Kamelot - I Am the Empire: Live from the 013 (2020)

01. Transcendence (Intro) (Live from the 013)
02. Phantom Divine (Shadow Empire) (Live from the 013)
03. Rule the World (Live from the 013)
04. Insomnia (Live from the 013)
05. The Great Pandemonium (Live from the 013)
06. When the Lights Are Down (Live from the 013)
07. My Confession (Live from the 013)
08. Veil of Elysium (Live from the 013)
09. Under Grey Skies (Live from the 013)
10. Ravenlight (Live from the 013)
11. End of Innocence (Live from the 013)
12. March of Mephisto (Live from the 013)
13. Amnesiac (Live from the 013)
01. Manus Dei (Live from the 013)
02. Sacrimony (angel of Afterlife) (Live from the 013)
03. Drum and Keys Solo (Live from the 013)
04. Here's to the Fall (Live from the 013)
05. Forever (Live from the 013)
06. Burns to Embrace (Live from the 013)
07. Liar Liar (Wasteland Monarchy) (Live from the 013)
08. Ministrium (Shadow Key) (Live from the 013)
- Регион: United States
- Тип: Live album
- Год выхода: 2020
- Название: I Am the Empire: Live from the 013
- Группа: Kamelot биография
- Длительность релиза: 01:44:22
- Дата выхода: 14.08.20
- Версия CD: Digipak
- Категория: Альбомы
- Издатель: Napalm Records
- Жанры: Progressive Metal, Melodic Power Metal
- Формат аудио: MP3 320 / FLAC
- Размер архива, мб: 242 / 737
- Рейтинг:
Скачать I Am the Empire: Live from the 013:
- Live album2020 | I Am the Empire: Live from the 013 (Digipak)
- Single2020 | Sacrimony
- Есть рецензия | Full-length2018 | The Shadow Theory (Japanese Edition)
- Full-length2015 | Haven (Japanese Edition)
- Full-length2012 | Silverthorn (Limited Edition)
- Full-length2011 | Poetry For The Poisoned & Live From Wacken (Tour Edition)
- Full-length2010 | Poetry For The Poisoned (Japanese Edition)
- Full-length2007 | Ghost Opera (Japanese Edition)
- Compilation2007 | Myths & Legends Of Kamelot
- Live album2006 | One Cold Winter's Night
- Full-length2005 | The Black Halo (Limited Edition)
- Full-length2003 | Epica (Limited Edition)
- Full-length2001 | Karma (Japanese Edition)
- Live album2000 | The Expedition
- Full-length1999 | The Fourth Legacy
- Full-length1998 | Siége Perilous
- Full-length1997 | Dominion
- Full-length1995 | Eternity
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71% (5) / 29% (2) - оценка, данные значения для каждой новости разные. (7) - количество зрителей которые проголосовали за данный релиз.
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29% - (2) людям он не понравился
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